Business (CPR)

Business (CPR)

Business (CPR)


How To Manage Stress Like A Pro

If you think sales is the most stressful job, you need to either find a new job or learn how to handle stress. Everyone thinks their job is the most stressful while the top two causes of stress are reportedly job pressure and money. This is evidently so if you’re in the sales line. But one of the biggest problems with stress is how it impacts your mental health, which in turn affects your work performance.

Business (CPR)


Your Dream Job Does Not Exist, You Must Create It

Students who graduate in today’s high unemployment can spend years catching up for lost wages because they either waited around for the right job or agreed to a lower-paying one. This explains the current situation of 200,000 unemployed graduates in Malaysia. You are burdened with student loan even before you start looking for a job. Not forgetting the rental, transportation, and surviving in the city.

Business (CPR)


How Housewives Kick-Start Their Businesses Online

Housewives-turned-entrepreneurs have learnt the art of making lots of money from the comfort of their homes. Are you a housewife? Then you have the capacity to earn as much money as a businessman. Many housewives are taking advantage of the internet to run small businesses from home. By learning how to maximise the use of social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat,any housewife can become an instant entrepreneur.

Business (CPR)


How to Earn More When You’re Middle-aged?

I suppose you are in your mid-career professional right now, earning a promising pay, enjoying the excellent living standard and you would probably be thinking that your life could never be better. Does this ring any bells? Have you ever thought that even a senior manager that has contributed to the company for 10 years can get retrenched the next day?

Business (CPR)


The World’s Fastest Dying Industries
Here today, gone tomorrow. Are you working in an industry that could put you out of a job the next day?

Over the last decade, various industries like photography, CD & DVD manufacturing, retail stores, and publishing have been slowly going out of business due to changes in technology. Innovation, overseas outsourcing, changing consumer preference, and a new digital landscape have contributed significantly to the success and failure of small and big industries.

Business (CPR)


Working in a 9-5 corporate job or working all day?

Having a steady income or making money as per the nature and profitability of your business? This decision may not be as difficult as it sounds if you are aware of what’s in store for you. The grass is always greener on the other side and people often want to switch their stream and mode of work purely to experience the better aspects of life and work as such.

Business (CPR)


5 Biggest Regrets In Life. When you look back at your life, how many of your dreams have gone unfulfilled?

After spending the best years of your life working hard to pay the bills and put your children through college, are you spending your retirement years living on your gratuity, EPF, or money you receive every month from your children? Do you feel as if you’ve missed out on the best things in life – nice clothes, a big house, fast cars, and luxury holidays